Tuesday, December 17, 2024


P15 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Extraction and purification of Polyphenol Oxidase enzyme from tea leaves (Camellia sinensis): A case study of Characterization and inhibitor effect.

P22 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Fried Chicken from a well-known fast food brand are tasty and crispy but their lack of hygiene is a threat to our health: Human feces on food brings the bacteria Salmonella and E.coli 0157:H7

P24 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Decades of Exile into the depth: A case study of the Stolen Kingdom of our Chagossian brothers and the Failure of the British Government to redress their mistake, prejudice and damage caused

P 1008 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Yudhistir S.M.F Jugessur PhD, October 2024.Leadership, management, social justice and ICT:The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped;my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him (Psalm 28 :7).P 982 From the debts of the abyss, a historical Victory for my Brothers of Chagos and the islands of the Indian Ocean : In this noble fight against oppression on a smaller (a speck of dust compared to UK) defenseless peaceful multicultural developing country of Mauritius , on one side the UK opposition Conservatives, as heard within the UK Parliament House of Commons (Oct 2024) qualified Mauritius as ‘’a Disgusting government’’, on the other side Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer Leader of Uk Labour party of His Majesty King Charles III’s government kept his words and promises to address the wrongs of the past, the welfare of the Chagos people, mutual respect, trust, security and prosperity for Commonwealth Partners. Some Whites maybe forgot we are no more in times of Slavery whereby slaves were whipped mercilessly without having the power to riposte. Sir Keir Starmer a Role model of leadership and management. An overview of this Historical UK – US-Mauritius agreement to (a) resettlement of the Chagossians and their (b) rightful deserved financial compensations and (c) maybe even with a lifelong pension , but beware any sides do not respect this Sacred deal.International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention (IJHSSI)ISSN (Online): 2319 – 7722, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 7714.www.ijhssi.org ||Volume 13 Issue 10 || October 2024 || PP. 99-101.DOI: 10.35629/7722-131099101 www.ijhssi.org 99 | Page

P 78 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] When worms come to attack from within while you are eating :An overview of Diphyllobothrium infections due ingestion of Seafood containing parasite eggs and infectious larvae of the genus Diphyllobothrium unseen to naked eyes and the impact of Parasites present in raw, uncooked Seafood , Sushi , and aquacultures regions such as tapeworm of the Diphyllobothriumlatum species.

P79 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Negative Impact of addiction to soft drink consumption carbonated beverages and Sugar-sweetened on bonedensity, oral health , increased risk of Osteoporosis and type 2 diabetes due: A Study around the regions of Sodnac, QB, Trianon and Pheonix from a non-consumer.

P 80 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] A study on the Hippocampus of the brain of youth and its relation with alcoholism consumption. High rate of Failures, violence on educator , sexual assault, lack of interest in their studies, only stuck to their phones playing a whole day;Alcoholism, beer, wine , whisky and its negative consequences on Adolescent brain development of the youth of the western region.

P 81 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] The Pheonix Stroke Case study: Increased risks of the two types of stokes among adults heavy consumers of Beer , Whisky , Wine and smokers from a non-consumer perspective; One side (1) ischemic and the other side (2)hemorrhagicstroke.
P82 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] “One life, one liver, Alcohol is a poison for your liver’ .Alcohol (beer, wine, whisky) consumption and the 3 main stages of alcohol-related liver disease (ARLD): (1) fatty liver disease, (2) alcoholic hepatitis, (3) alcoholic Cirrhosis upto complications such as build-up of toxins in the brain (encephalopathy) among youth and adults massive drinkers of the regions of Sodnac: A study from a non-consumer perspective

P 973 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Yudhistir S.M.F Jugessur PhD, October 2024.Leadership, management, social justice and ICT: 5th October 2024 , 66th birthday of my late widow Mother Kritya (05/10/1958-30/01/2023) coinciding with Teacher’s day. In my solitude, still virgin and orphan, I pray to St Bridget of Sweden to help me find a woman to love me, support me, marry me and have babies. I pray Selflessly to Virgin Mary and St Dymphna for all those women around the world suffering in silence, in pain, in sorrow, victim of violence. On this occasion, I feel remorse for my words and worried for the mother of Oonagh. I pray for baby Oonagh’s Mother, I ask God to solve all her problems, keep her happy, in good health ,wherever she is . I pray that no one harms her and her baby Oonagh, I ask God to help her overcome all her legal wars. She reminds me of my own mother Kritya, she is a woman who needs to be loved and taken care of . There are nights I wake up from nightmares in sweat hearing ‘’the screams of my mother in pain, no one helping us, on her death bed at hospital’. The world watched cinema and did not help my mother Kritya, they did not inform me she was ill and condemned, they let my mother suffer, cry in pain, rot alive infront of me and die in horrible agony. My own health was put at risks. I even had to cremate my mother alone, so now is an opportunity for the world to help a mother and her baby Oonagh. Erase all the debts of Oonagh’s mother. I forgive you and I pray for you selflessly desinteresadamente 1 Juan 1 :8-10 Te perdono y oro por ti, Senora , your daughter Oonagh will always be welcomed to my house as her Godfather :A paper on the prayers of St Bridget of Sweden and St Dymphna. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention (IJHSSI)ISSN (Online): 2319 – 7722, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 7714 www.ijhssi.org ||Volume 13 Issue 10 || October 2024 || PP. 82-83 DOI: 10.35629/7722-13108283 www.ijhssi.org 82 | Page.

P 986 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Yudhistir S.M.F Jugessur PhD, October 2024.Leadership, management, social justice and ICT. ‘Vous pouvez détruire tout ce qu'il vous plaira. Elle n'a qu'a ouvrir l'espace de ses bras. Pour tout reconstruire, pour tout reconstruire’ Alzheimer begins 20 years or more before the start of memory loss and other symptoms develop. The neurodegenerative disease of Alzheimer among woman and those courageous superman husband who takes care of his ill wife.International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention (IJHSSI)ISSN (Online): 2319 – 7722, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 7714 www.ijhssi.org ||Volume 13 Issue 10 || October 2024 || PP. 97-98.DOI: 10.35629/7722-13109798 www.ijhssi.org 97 | Page.

P13 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] (Microbiology Field) : Moral obligation and to better serve the society: Bioethics and its significant importance in the field of Microbiology